Excellent  selection of the best fish recepi.

Traditional method of cooking

A fantastic fish gravy

Healthy gravy

Fish Nirvana is an awesome fish recepi which has a traditional method of cooking. It's very tasty and flavorful. Only few ingredients are used and there is no more other spices are used.This recepi is very easy and simple because onion is not used in this recepi. So we all are happy and can save time instead of cutting onions. In this recepi marinated fish which are  fried and then poached in a banana leaf, then it cooked with coconut milk, chopped ginger,green chillies, curry leaves and green mangoes. These are then closed or wrapped with banana leaves. The fried fish which are boiling in coconut milk gives an excellent traditional smell. The smell of banana leaves gives extraordinarily  traditional taste and flavour.


I am the one who loves fish varieties. Also we are the best seafood (fish) eaters. Fish varieties are very popular in my house. Also I am one of the fan of Chef pillais traditional ways of Kerala fish cooking and its varieties.  I have been waiting to try his fish nirvana recipe for a long time and it finally happened today. It's because long time we were stuck in India because of Corona pendamic lockdown. So I didn't get enough time to try for good recepi. I spent my days with families and friends. Some recipi I tried from India was posted earlier.You can check and try the best.

I have used black pomphret fish for making this recepi. You can choose any other excellent fishes like king fish, silver pomphret, sherry etc.  But In my view black pomphret is best for making Fish Nirvana. Because it gives more tastier than other fish while it boiled and cooked with coconut milk. My sister tried this recipe earlier but she choose other fish. So she said black pomphret is the best for fish nirvana. The recepi has 4 important steps: 

       * Marinating 

        * Shallow frying

        * Pouching 

       *  Boiling and cooking

In fact, this is the good time for me to cook, to taste, to feel  responsiblly and sustainably. This fish gravy is very popular because the gravy gives extraordinarily taste and traditional flavours. . The gravy was thick, spicy, tangy and has a very mild flavour from coconut milk, green chillies and ginger. The fish was pouched and wrapped in banana leaves. So the flavour of banana leaves and aroma penetrated into other ingredients. Coconut milk, ginger, green chillies and green mangoes gives a unique flavour that we the keralites loves very much. The traditional clay pot is used for pouch the fish.  Banana leaves are essential for making this recepi. The main style of cooking this recepi is in banana leaves and clay pot. Otherwise we losts traditional taste and flavours.

We are the good fan of  fish especially black pomphret. These fish nirvana recipe need only 30 minutes. My mom cooks  black pomphret in best ways. It's so tasty and flavorful. So  it nearly melts in our mouth while cooking varieties with black pomphret. I tried this recepi yesterday. It's so tasty and delicious. A variety and unique flavour with traditional ways makes more attractive than other recipes. My husband and daughter likes it very much. I served this fish nirvana with hot CHAPPATHI.

In My recepi I made certain changes.  For getting extra taste and flavour I add green mangoes, mustard seeds and chilly flaxes. I watched many fish nirvana recepi. But most of the recepies i I found only ginger,coconut milk and pepper powder. So I think this is the best ways of adding extra ingredients such as green mangoes, mustard seeds and chilly flaxes. It gives extraordinarily flavour than other recepies. So it's sure that you can make this recepi in a best and easiest ways.  Try your best to make this gravy more tastier than other recipes. Also you can served this fish nirvana with VELLAYAPPAM, CHAPPATHI, PAROTTA etc. 

Let's follow my simple recipe of Fish Nirvana. Try your best and enjoy your weekend with this fish variety. I am sure that your family loves it very much especially its taste and flavours. This traditional method of cooking Fish Nirvana gives a soul soothing weeknight dinner for all. Nothing to be worried. It's ready with in 30 minutes.


   Course. :  Side dish/ gravy

   Cuisine. : Traditional Kerala 

  Cook time : 30 minutes 

    Servings : 4 to 5 person.



Fish - Black pomphret ( whole)

Coconut milk - half of one whole coconut

Salt - to taste

Pepper powder - 1 tbsp

Ginger - 1 inch length (chopped)

Green chillies - 5 (chopped)

Green Mango  - 1/4 th of 1 whole

Curry leaves
Coconut oil - 4 tbsp ( for gravy)

Coconut oil - 5 tbsp ( for frying fish )

Mustard seeds - 1 tsp

Chilly flaxes - 1 tbsp


Kashmiri chilly powder - 3 tbsp

Turmeric powder - 1/2 tsp

Salt - as required

Lemon juice - 1 tbsp

Coconut oil - 1 tbsp

Water 2 tbsp


 Step 1 :

Clean and wash the fish thoroughly by using salt and lemon juice. Make a small gashes on fish with sharp knife. Then   drain the fish well to avoid excess water.

Step 2:

Take a flat tray, add ingredients such as Kashmiri chilly powder, Turmeric powder, salt, lemon juice, coconut oil, curry leaves and water. Mix the spices well. Then take the fish and marinate well with your hands. Keep the marinated fish in refrigerator for at least 20 minutes.

Step 3:

Take a frying pan, add 5 tbsp of coconut oil.  Once the oil heats, transfer the marinated fish into the pan. Fry the two sides until the fish turns crisp and fried. Then take out from oil and transfer into a flat tray.


Step 4:

Take 1 whole banana leaves. Wash and wipes the water with tissues. Then cut/ divide the banana leaves into two.

Step 5:

Take a clay pot ( in Malayalam we called Chatty).  Heat the clay pot and then place the 1 part of banana leaves inside the clay pot.

Step 6: 

Once the Banana leaves heats, add 4 tbsp of coconut oil. Once the coconut oil heats, splutter mustard seeds. Then add some curry leave. Saute it  for 1 minute.

Step 7:

Transfer the fried fish into the clay pot and placed on the top of banana leaves. Cook them for 1 minute. Then add 2 cup of coconut milk.


Step 8: 

 Sprinkle  black pepper powder, salt, chilly flaxes, finely chopped ginger, green chillies and green mangoes.

Step 9:

Let it boil for 3-4 minutes. Take another part of banana leaf, place on the top of boiling coconut milk ( like covering). Then you can close the clay pot with tight lid. Try to cook them for 15 minutes in a low flame. So the fish can poach in the ingredients.


Step 10:

Switch off the flame and keep aside for 10 minutes. Open the pot and then you can transfer it to a serving bowl. The tasty and awesome fish nirvana is ready. 



👉 Try to use coconut oil while cooking traditional Kerala fish especially in fish varieties.

👉 It's better to wash the fish thoroughly with salt and lemon juice.

👉 You can make small gashes on fish with sharp knife. So the spices can penetrate and season the fish throughout. Remember don't cut too deep.

👉 While frying the fish, do not move the fish for first 3 minutes.  So the marinated spices can stick properly and won't be separate.

👉 While frying fish, cook them in a medium flame. If the flame is high, the frying pan and oil turns too hot, then the marinated spices in fish burnt before the fish gets cooked.

👉 You can take a big whole fresh banana leaves. It's better to cut the banana leaves into two parts. One part is for first layering and second part is for final layering that is closing or covering.

👉 Don't add too much water while you are making coconut milk. First you can Grind coconut with same amount of water ( if you take 1 cup coconut then you can add 1 cup water,  then grind well and drain it by using a colander). If you add too much water the coconut milk becomes very loose and you lost the thickness and taste in gravies.

👉 If your clay pot is small you can cut the whole banana leaves into 4 parts. Then two parts can be placed first layer inside the pot and another 2 part can be placed in the top of the gravy like closing or covering method.

👉 It's better to use the top part of banana leaves while you are serving these gravy into the serving bowl. Firstly place the banana leaf, then you can add fish and gravies.

👉 While serving the fish, you must transfer the fish slowly with out any breaks and cuts.  






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