Make your celebration special with these prawns dynamite recepi.

 The perfect recepi to serve as an appetizer.

∆  One of the outstanding seafood starter to treats your guests.


Prawns  dynamite is an outstanding yummy seafood varieties that can be served as a starter. It is one of the attractive recepi that you ever tasted.

Prawns dynamite is one of my favourite recepi to order when we go out for a dinner, usually as a side dish or a starter. 

This yummy seafood varieties can be remarkably easily to make right at home . You can make within 20 minutes which is fun and addictive. If you loves this prawns seafood varieties, you will surely love this yummy recipes.

Prawns Dynamite is one of the mouthwatering recepi among other seafood varieties. This yummy recipes made with  crispy fried prawns coated with special Sweet and spicy sauce.

I have already posted Chicken dynamite recepi earlier. Sauces are almost same in both dynamite recepi. There's only some ingredients change while comparing with chicken dynamite and prawns dynamite recepi. Both are different and perfect  varieties to serve as an appetizer/ starter. I have made this prawns dynamite 2 days ago. It's so yummy. My family likes very much. My husband is one of the great fan of starter recipes. My husband congratulated for my dynamite recepi. He said this prawns recepi is so delicious and mouthwatering. He said he can't express his taste in words.

Let's follow my new prawns dynamic recepi with your new craving Folks and enjoy the taste  with your family and friends.


Prawns - 1/2 kg

Soya sauce - 2 tbsp

Ginger powder - 1/2 tbsp

Garlic powder - 1/2 tbsp

Onion powder - 1/2 tbsp 

Paprika powder - 1/2 tbsp

Pepper powder - 1/2 tbsp

Egg - 1

Cornflour power - 4 tbsp

All purpose flour (Maida) - 4 tbsp

Salt - pinch

White sesame seed - for garnishing

Toothpick - for inserting

Sunflower Oil - for frying


Tomato sauce - 7 tbsp

Mayonnise - 7 tbsp

Chilly flakes 3 tbsp

Vinegar 1 tbsp

Sugar - 1 tbsp


       Course : starter

        Cuisine :  Indo - Japanese 

       Cook time : 20 minutes

        Serving : 6 person



👉 Wash and drain the prawns very well.

👉 Take a toothpick and insert the toothpick  through inside the prawns body. Insert toothpick for each prawns by using above mentioned method.

👉 Take a bowl, add egg, salt and soya sauce. Beat it with hand whisk for 2 minutes.

👉 Transfer the prawns into the bowl and mix it well with egg and soya sauce batter.

👉  Then add spices such as onion powder, ginger powder, garlic powder, paprika powder and pepper powder. Marinate the prawns well. 


👉  You can keep it in a refrigerator for 10 minutes if needed.

👉 Take a tray, add cornflour powder and all purpose flour (maida). Then mix well. 

👉 Take a saucepan, heat enough sunflower oil.

👉 Take one marinated prawns, then coat it with in a cornflour-maida mix. Then add this coated prawns into a heated oil. Coat the each and every prawns by using this method. Fry the coated prawns until it turns to light golden colour.


👉  Take a bowl, add tomato sauce, mayonnise, vinegar, sugar and chilly flakes. Mix well and make a creamy thick sauce.

👉  Transfer the fried prawns to these creamy sauce. Mix the prawns well into the sauce until the prawns are soaked well with the creamy sauce.

👉  Then finally, you can spread white sesame seeds for garnishing.






∆ while marinating, add only a pinch of salt, it's because soya sauce have already salty taste. If your quantity of salt increased, you will not get perfect dynamite recepi. The taste of salt will stand Infront of other ingredients.

∆ While you are frying the  prawns, remember to put prawns one by one in a oil. Otherwise, sometimes it sticks with each other. 

∆ Coat the prawns in a maida-cornflour mix only at the time of frying. Otherwise, the prawns get oiled.

∆ Don't overcook the prawns, it will hard to eat. You can just fry two sides until it turns light golden colour and crispy.





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